About me
I am from New Hampshire, and I currently study Computer Science at Southern New Hampshire University with a minor in Game Development and Applied Math.
As a kid, I didn't play a massive amount of video games, but the ones that I did play, I absolutely loved. I have always been a fan of 2-D platform games like Super Mario Bros, as well as many Mario variations like Mario Party, Mario Kart etc. I also grew up playing First-Person Shooters like Quake, Doom, and Call of Duty.
Graphic Design
The majority of the designs for my programs are usually done by me, though sometimes I have friends and colleagues complete various designs. Full credit is given where it is due in the program descriptions.
Sounds and Music
Music is mostly done by me, but I often recruit my musician friends to help with that process. Many of my sound clips are either generated or recorded by me, or downloaded for free from soundeffectsplus.com.